The main focus of my work will centre around theme of 100 receipts that I have collected from different people at different locations. Working from my existing project of 100 receipts I wanted to develop my ideas from the collection of research I have organised and categorized.
So far I have collected and categorized large amounts of data taken from specific areas of the receipts. (Refer to 100 Receipts blog entry) Areas I have researched within the contents of the receipts include: the prices, products, times, locations, names, brands, dates, layout and type within them. Because I had so much information and no imagery within the receipts, I wanted to keep to this concept of being type only as I did not want to overwrite the whole theme of receipts. I wanted to play around and experiment with the information I have already by ordering, categorizing and organising and eventually developing into a few visual resolutions to work from. Working on from what I already have, I intend to further the development of processing the information on the receipts. I found this rather interesting as it was quite a new process for me, this also helped bring out a few unexpected results. I will experiment with different forms of categorizing, playing around with the information and identifying links between them. This will ofcourse be recorded through photography, print outs, notes and brainstorms on ideas and thoughts.
At this current point, I am considering to simply dealing with typography and composition, with the information taken from my current research and receipts. One other concern would be how the relationship between the theme of receipts and a book would be connected. I will look into paper engineering, experimenting with different stock qualities and print processes as I believe that this would be highly influential towards how my book with develop. Mock ups of the book will be made throughout the development process to identify problems and areas I could improve on.
A continuous process of working on design sheets will be the main part of my evaluation process aswell as support from the blog, which will be used to look into more secondary information that may relate and inspire my ideas for both the theme and the concept of a book.
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