The finished book.
After a week of all nighters, endless cups of coffee and constant development and experimentations, my book is finally completed.
Title : A wish list of 100
Format : Fold out book - double sided digital print
Size : A1
The final resolution is aimed at anyone who has interest in design and some attention to offer. I have tried to experiment book formats that would challenge the idea of what a book is and ended up developing my book into a fold out poster/book that carries information of the things that people want. I have treated the concept of the book as a project that visually explores and reflects on the aspirations and thoughts from people of today's society.
I'm quite pleased with the final resolution, although I did not get the chance to print it out on A1 due to printing difficulties and problems with a suitable stock. I quite like the concept of a fold out book as it reflects on the process of unravelling just like a present. I wanted to challenge the idea that books shouldn't have to be shelved so therefore the size also made it rather interesting to work with as it can easily be used as a poster, which people can view and relate to hopefully.
I am however quite disappointed that I did not develop a case or a form of packaging for the book. This was due to a lack of motivation at the start of the module, which lead to insufficient time and a lot of catching up towards the end. Another issue was that I didn't really push my idea enough towards the end, I felt that i stayed on the safe side of things due to issue with time management and the fact that each idea would have taken a long time as I would have to do it 100 times. I think that with the amount of information I gathered, I could have also incorporated more information and explored the field of information graphics a bit more.
As a general conclusion to this project, I am quite satisfied with the final resolution although I can see plenty of areas I could have developed and improved on. The project as a whole has been a learning curve that I will take aboard for the upcoming new and exciting briefs!

Side A - Poster side
Side B - template of the other pages before the book is folded
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