Keep your distant bus add
By Dukes of Urbino
The closer the driver gets to the back of the bus, the more distorted the type get's. This encourages drivers to keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front.

Cover for Zoot Woman
The design adopts a more artistic format, experimenting with type in a 3 dimensional space. This is the type of area I'm looking at for developing my idea on the typeface. From the work I have generated, I am planning on using typography in a 3 dimensional space, exploring type as an interactive element while looking into perspectives and depth. I think this will be an interesting direction to go upon at this late stage, where I have generated a typeface already, but using the time to explore the idea further.
A piece of work I so happened to bump into during one of my random ventures into the Leeds Met buildings. The piece is by Cornelia Parker, more of a fine artist than designer, but decided to take a few snaps to record the stunning results of such a delicate and tedious process, which is similar to what I'm practicing with my typography.
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