Monday, 2 March 2009

LINE - self reflection on current progress

Working on and responding to the feedback received before reading week. 

From my last statement of intent, I planned to look into the transformation of a line, experimenting with motion. So far, I've worked on experimenting with ideas relating to shapes, icons and how they can transform and merge into other shapes and forms. I have drafted a few sequences on ways to experiment with this idea but these are still in the early stages and have not yet defined a narrative to the idea, which is the main problem. 

At this current point, the direction of where my work's developing into is still unclear, I am still exploring with the current concept of a line as a connected development into different things but I really need to identity the purpose, narrative or atleast a theme to narrow things down a bit. 

What to do now...

- continue with my current idea of a connected series of developments represented in animated lined illustrations that transform from one thing to another. Perhaps I could illustrate a process of doing a task or something like an emotion - using lines to represent moods, sound events. (Refer to Royksopp Remind me video)  

Some experiments so far... 

Camera rotating, with the shapes and lines of each component taken away, forming a paralax effect.

What does this say about a what a line is??

This piece gave me an idea of visualizing the world in lines and taking things apart, which reflects the definition 'a mark indicating position, connection or boundaries', or ' a formation of people, objects or things on besides/ behind the other.'

Another 3d render, box with line embedded into each 4 sides. 

I wanted to simply experiment with line and motion but the sense of dimension with these experiments seem quite interesting. Although I'm still unsure where these pieces lie in terms of my ideas and how I could develop them, it might be work developing with this area to see where it takes me.

These two experiments kind of came out of no where, although I was initially inspired by the channel 4 idents with the paralax effect for the camera animation.

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